Alberta Priority:
Restoring Trust, Together
Article 1
A. This Constitution is created under the Bylaws of the Alberta Priority Foundation (the
B. The Constitution outlines rules, establishes guidelines and directives, and contains a
compendium of governance documents to direct, regulate and administer the affairs of the
Alberta Priority Party (the “Party”).
C. Although the Party and Foundation are conjoined, except as specified herein, or in the
Bylaws, this Constitution does not directly apply to, affect or constrain the conduct of the
Foundation; only the Party, including all of its organs.
D. The Constitution is intended to be a living document, regularly reviewed, added to,
amended, and renewed by the Members at general meetings of the Party.
Article 2
A. The objects of the Party are:
- to respect, seek out, reflect, strengthen, and integrate into its decisions, the valuable
insights and practical common sense solutions of Party Members and all Albertans;
- to provide a forum for Albertans with diverse interests and backgrounds to express their
views and pursue their objects subject to conditions and constraints imposed by the
Principles, Bylaws and Members;
- to ensure Party governance provides effective checks and balances of authority delegated
by the Members to their Constituency Associations, Regional Councils, provincial Board,
Leader(s), Executive Director and, insofar as it lies within their authority, Caucus;
- to encourage the healthy development of, and protect from unnecessary government
intrusion into the legitimate affairs of small businesses, families, volunteer and cultural
associations, and other building blocks for a vigorous and vibrant civil society;
- to widely and thoroughly consult with all stakeholders whose welfare may be affected by
significant Party or government decisions;
- to vigorously defend, preserve and promote Alberta’s diverse interests regionally,
nationally, and internationally;
- to foster and cooperate with other provinces to develop and enact constitutional
amendments and other mechanisms enabling significant provincial and regional
autonomy; and
- to collaborate with like-minded political parties and other organizations within Alberta
and in other provinces who share our goals for prosperity, equality and greater autonomy
for Western Canada.
B. The Party will achieve its objects by:
- regularly consulting with, and taking direction from our Members and other Albertans;
- encouraging and facilitating our Members’ meaningful and productive participation in
local civic activities and the broader political process;
Article 3
A. Terms defined in Applicable Laws and the Foundation Bylaws shall have the same meaning
in the Constitution unless otherwise defined herein.
B. In this Constitution, the following terms have these meanings:
- “Candidate” means a person who is selected for endorsement as the official Candidate of
the Party for a Constituency;
- “Constituency” has the same meaning as Electoral Division in Applicable Laws;
- “Constituency Association” or “CA” means a constituency association of the Party
registered with Elections Alberta;
- “Council” means a Regional Council as defined in the Bylaws;
- “Event” means a Regional Event as defined in the Bylaws;
- “Governance Document” or “Document” means a set or combination of rules,
prescriptions procedures, manuals, guidelines, policy or process that determine and
define how the affairs of the Foundation and the Party are governed;
- “Party” means the True Alberta Party;
C. Titles and terms defined in Applicable Laws, the Bylaws, the Constitution and its Documents
are capitalized.
D. Definitions in Article 2B may be added to, deleted or altered by a majority vote of the
Members at a general meeting.
Article 3
A. The Party may define various classes of membership and may assign to each class unique
rights, privileges, terms and obligations. Generally, rights and privileges attached to
increasingly comprehensive membership classes will be based on the Member’s CA, region,
and/or Party participation; either financial contributions, volunteer activities, or both. The
Board may prescribe additional requirements for any class of Member, which must be
ratified by the Members at the next AGM or become null and void. The approved
membership classes are:
- Subscribing Members who:
a) pay no membership fees,
b) have the right to receive informational bulletins from their CA, region, and the Party,
c) may be invited to attend local and Regional Events,
d) may not stand for any Party or CA office, and
e) have no voting privileges.
- Regional Members are those who, having participated in local or Regional Events,
volunteered with their CA or Candidate, or made Contributions to their CA and/or the
Party at the maximum level for which Elections Alberta does NOT publish contributor
names, then has applied for regional membership and paid the prescribed annual fee.
Annual membership fees shall include virtual registration fees for general meetings.
Regional Members are entitled to:
a) attend, participate in, stand for election to the CA board, and vote at general meetings
of the CA for the Constituency in which they reside, in accordance with the CA
b) vote for Nomination Contestants in the Constituency in which they reside, in
accordance with the Candidate Selection Rules;
c) attend, participate in, and vote on all general, governance and policy motions and
resolutions at general meetings, in accordance with the general meeting’s rules of
d) vote for Directors as prescribe herein;
e) vote in leadership reviews and Leadership Votes, in accordance with the rules
governing Leadership Roles, Selection and Review.
- Provincial Members are those who have served for at least two (2) full and uninterrupted
years as regional Members. They will retain all of the rights and privileges of regional
Members, plus:
a) must apply for provincial membership status and pay the prescribed fees,
b) are eligible to run as Nomination Contestants in any Constituency,
c) are eligible to run as Directors,
d) are eligible to run in a Leadership Contest, and
e) are eligible to run as Party candidates in an election under the Alberta Senate Election
- Honorary Members are those who are endorsed as honorary Members by three (3) of
more of the following sponsors:
a) the Leader or Deputy Leader, if any;
b) Caucus, excluding the Leader and Deputy Leader, by a secret ballot majority vote;
c) the Officers by a motion passed by a majority of the total number of Officers;
d) the Regional Directors Committee by a majority vote taken after the Regional
Directors have polled their CA boards or Members;
and shall have membership fees, terms, responsibilities, rights and privileges agreed to by
their sponsors and included in their approval motions, if any.
B. The Board may temporarily add to, alter or waive any of the requirements, provisions or
entitlements of Article 3 A until the Party’s second AGM, after which this clause shall be
deleted from the Constitution and the remainder renumbered as necessary.
C. The Board shall define policies and prescribe procedures governing the renewal, suspension,
revocation and reinstatement of memberships.
D. The membership of a person is deemed to be continuous when the person renews it and pays
the prescribed membership fee within thirty (30) days of its expiry date.
E. Member Code of Conduct
- The Members shall maintain a Code of Conduct governing the actions and comportment
of the Leader, MLAs, Candidates, Nomination and Leadership Contestants, Board and
Committee members, CA board and committee members, Party staff and contractors, and
volunteers working under the direction of any of them.
- The Code of Conduct is intended to be a living document, regularly updated by the
Members, and shall be published on the Party website.
- The Board may require individuals to sign a Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure
Agreement prior to accessing confidential Party information.
F. When acting within the scope of their authority and in compliance with the Bylaws and this
Constitution including its derivative Governance Documents, no Member, Director, CA board
director or officer, Committee member or volunteer in their individual capacity shall be liable for
any debts, actions, claims, demands, liabilities or commitments of any kind made by the Party or
Foundation. The Party may indemnify and hold harmless each such person against any debt,
action, claim, demand, liability or commitments and may purchase and maintain insurance for
the benefit of each such person.
Article 4
Constituency Associations
A. Vision, Purpose and Function
- Constituency Associations are the primary organizations through which the rights of the
Members are exercised. CA boards are encouraged to solicit their Member’s input into
major decisions they make and to encourage them to participate in the affairs of the CA
to the extent they are able or desire.
- Constituency Associations are encouraged to collaborate with one another to define,
advocate, foster and supply their common goals. CA Presidents, CFOs and other officers
are encouraged to network with one another, either formally or informally.
B CA Rules
- The rules by which CA’s are governed are defined in Article 10 A1, “Constituency
Association Rules”.
- Unless otherwise prescribed therein, the CA Rules may only be added to or altered by a
majority of the Members present and voting at a general meeting.
C Candidate Selection
- Each Constituency Association is expected to play the primary role in the selection of a
Candidate, if any, and to support their Candidate’s election to the Legislative Assembly.
- The Candidate Selection Rules prescribed in Article 10 A4 will govern the selection of all
Article 5
Board of Directors
A. Vision, Purpose and Function
- The Board is tasked with exercising proper trusteeship of Party assets and is the primary
administrative body responsible for Party governance between general meetings.
- All Board decisions and actions must conform to the Bylaws and Constitution, and
nothing it does may conflict with the Foundation and Party Principles or objects.
- The Board’s authority exists when they meet together as a board with quorum present,
and no Director, employee, Member, or any other person shall have authority to speak or
act for, or on behalf of the Party between Board meetings, except as specifically provided
by the Board through the adoption of a motion or resolution.
- Notwithstanding sub Article A3, the Leader, Deputy Leader, or official spokesperson for
Caucus may speak for the Party in conformity with the guidelines laid out in Article 10
A7 – Party Coherence Protocols.
- The Board may delegate certain of its responsibilities to the Executive Director from time
to time, and shall do so with clarity and specificity.
B. Election of Officers
- Officers shall be elected using secret preferential ballots cast by eligible Members from
throughout Alberta who are present and voting at an AGM. The Party President shall not
vote except to break a tie at any stage of the voting process.
- The Board shall ensure the integrity of the voting processes, both paper and electronic.
- Officers shall be elected for a nominal term of two (2) years commencing at the close of
the AGM at which they were elected or acclaimed, and concluding at the close of the
second AGM following the AGM at which they were elected or acclaimed.
- The President, Vice-President (Membership) and Vice-President (Communications), and
Vice-President (Regional Development) will be elected in odd numbered calendar years.
- All other Officers will be elected in even numbered calendar years.
- Officer positions may be added to or deleted from the Board, or positions may be merged
or realigned by a resolution passed by a two-thirds vote of Members present and voting at
an AGM or SGM.
C. Officer Responsibilities
- The President is a principal Officer of the Party, shall preside over all meetings of the
Foundation, the Party and the Board, and shall:
a) conduct all meetings impartially and in compliance with the governing rules of order;
b) not vote on any motion or resolution at a Board or general meeting except in order to
break or create a tie vote;
c) perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Board.
- The CFO is a principal Officer of the Party and shall:
a) maintain, or cause to be maintained, all financial records of the Party, in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles;
b) be responsible for all accounting and budgeting activities including the preparation of
financial statements and reports;
c) present financial statements to the Members at each AGM;
d) comply with all financial requirements of a Society and a registered political party;
e) share their knowledge, expertise and advice with the Board;
f) present a financial report at each Board meeting;
g) perform other duties assigned by the Board.
- The Secretary is a principal Officer of the Party and shall:
a) accurately record the minutes of each general and Board meeting;
b) have custody of, maintain and archive, all non-financial records of the Party,
including all minutes of Board and Committee meetings;
c) send out date, time, location or electronic links for Board meetings, as well as an
agenda and minutes of the previous meeting;
d) register or cause to be registered with the Corporate Registrar, the Bylaws and any
changes made to them from time to time;
e) have custody of the Party seal, if any, and whenever used, ensure it be authenticated
by the signatures of a principal Officer, or another Officer designated by the Board;
f) permit CA presidents, upon request, to view the minutes of Board or Committee
meetings in a manner prescribed by the Board;
g) register or cause to be registered with the Chief Electoral Officer, any changes in the
offices of President and CFO, and deliver or cause to be delivered to Elections
Alberta any other non-financial information required or requested by them;
h) ensure that changes to the Constitution, by the Members are accurately recorded and
updated to the Party website;
i) perform other duties assigned by the Board.
- The Vice-President (Membership) shall:
a) chair the Membership Committee;
b) provide general oversight of membership management, the operational aspects of
which may be performed by the Executive Director and staff;
c) assume primary responsibility for developing and implementing strategies for
attracting new Members, retaining current Members and renewing expired
d) ensure that all membership information is accurate, current, appropriately shared with
CAs, and regularly reported to the Board;
e) perform other duties assigned by the Board.
- The Vice-President (Communications) shall:
a) chair the Communications Committee;
b) provide general oversight of communications with Members, specified operational
aspects of which may be performed by the Executive Director and staff;
c) regularly coordinate communications strategies, plans, advertising and other
messaging, and medium management with the Leader and/or Deputy Leader, and
Caucus to ensure messaging consistency, but shall otherwise not be responsible for
any of their communications;
d) report to the Board regularly;
e) exercise proper custodianship of communications information received from CAs;
f) perform other duties assigned by the Board.
- The Vice-President (Fundraising) shall:
a) chair the Fundraising Committee;
b) assume primary responsibility for all Party fundraising activities;
c) perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Board.
- The Vice-President (Policy and Governance) shall:
a) chair the Policy and Governance Committees;
b) plan, organize, oversee all Party policy and governance activities and processes
including, but not limited to, Member surveys, workshops and other events, and
policy and governance plenaries at general meetings;
c) perform other duties assigned by the Board.
- The Vice-President (Regional Development) shall:
a) chair the Regional Directors Committee (RDC);
b) provide operational oversight, motivation and guidance to the RDC as it fulfills its
mandates to:
i. form high functioning CAs in every constituency;
ii. plan and implement regional workshops and training sessions;
iii. mentor CA board members;
iv. encourage CAs to engage their constituency Members in a variety of CA and
regional activities and pursuits;
v. ensure CA board members are aware of reporting and compliance requirements;
vi. ensure CAs know and comply with requirements of the CA Rules;
c) collect, distribute and archive the minutes of Regional Council meetings and Regional
d) perform other duties assigned by the Board.
- Officers are fiduciaries of the Foundation and the Party and shall perform their duties and
exercise their powers honestly and with a view to the best interests of the Party.
D. Regional Directors
- The Regional Director for each region shall be elected annually by the Members of their
region in a manner prescribed by the Regional Directors Committee, and shall be the
primary liaison between their Regional Council and the Board.
- If Regional Directors are elected or acclaimed at any time other than at an AGM, their
terms of office shall commence by appointment to the Board at a time or times
determined by the Regional Directors Committee.
- Collectively, and together with the Vice-President (Regional Development), the Regional
Directors shall form the Regional Directors Committee prescribed in the Standing
Committee List;
- Regional Directors are fiduciaries:
a) firstly, of the Members of their region exercised through the region’s CAs and
Regional Councils, and
b) secondly, of the Foundation and the Party exercised through the Board,
and shall perform their duties and wield their powers honestly and with a view to the best
interests of their constituents and beneficiaries.
- Regional Directors may perform other functions assigned by the Board providing such
functions do not conflict with their primary duty to their regional CAs and Members.
The Arbitration Committee shall resolve any disputes over potential conflicts, and the
Arbitration Committee’s decision shall be final and binding, and without further appeal.
E. Committees
- The Board may create and maintain such standing and special Committees as it deems
necessary or advisable to fulfill its duties, and shall create and maintain the standing
Committees prescribed in Article 10 A 6, Standing Committee List, whose purpose,
composition and operational terms of reference will be maintained by the Members.
- Committees are responsible to the Board unless otherwise specified in their terms of
reference, and will keep and provide minutes of their meetings to the Secretary, who shall
record, distribute and archive them.
- Committees may be comprised of Directors and other Members.
- In special circumstances non-members may be invited by the Board to join a Committee
as a non-voting member or consultant.
Article 6
Regional Councils
A. Vision
- The vision for Regional Councils is to provide CA presidents, officers and directors, with
intermediate forums designed to collaboratively:
a) build CA capacity and effectiveness;
b) strengthen regional networks;
c) build and strengthen personal networks;
d) conduct regularly scheduled Regional Events;
e) identify and creatively resolve issues and share ways to improve CA effectiveness
and functionality;
f) improve communication between CA’s and the Board through the Regional Director
elected by Members in their respective regions;
g) administer such governance or other functions as may be assigned to Regional
Councils by the Board or the Members;
h) administer the election of Regional Directors in an open, transparent and accountable
manner prescribed by the Regional Directors Committee;
i) provide checks and balances for a defined array of Party decisions between general
- The vision for Regional Events is to provide all Members with opportunities to:
a) host prominent educational and motivational guest speakers;
b) establish connections with counterpart officers from other CAs;
c) collaboratively develop policy and governance resolutions through regional
workshops and other venues;
d) get to know their elected representatives and community leaders in a structured but
informal setting;
e) support, inform, and facilitate the development of representative democracy in
Alberta, wherein the public informs and directs their elected representatives and
leaders, rather than the reverse;
f) inspire Members to actively participate in civil governance;
g) make participation in Alberta’s political affairs fulfilling, exciting and FUN!
B. Regional Councils
- There shall be one (1) Regional Council for each region delineated by the Board from
time to time, with never fewer than five (5) nor more than ten (10) regions.
- Each Council shall consist of up to three (3) representatives from each CA in the region,
plus the Regional Director. CAs may choose their Council representatives, which may
change from time to time, but should usually include the CA president.
- The Regional Director shall chair Council meetings.
- Each Council shall elect or appoint from time to time from among its members, someone
to record minutes of Regional Events and meetings of the Council. The Regional
Director shall review the minutes without delay and forward them to all CA secretaries,
Council members and the Vice-President (CA Development), who will archive them.
- Regional Councils may elect or appoint one of its members to assist the Regional
Director in the performance of his or her duties. Councils shall clearly specify the
Assistant Regional Director’s duties and responsibilities within the region.
- In the event the office of Regional Director for any region becomes vacant between
AGM’s, the affected Council may ratify the Assistant Regional Director, if any, as
Regional Director, or elect a replacement Regional Director from among the Members of
the region. The person so chosen shall be appointed to the Board and serve as Regional
Director until the conclusion of the next AGM.
- Each Council may determine the frequency of its meetings under the counsel and
direction of their Regional Director, however each must schedule a minimum of nine (9)
meetings annually, and if they fail to do so the Board may intervene.
- Regional Directors must ensure that notice, including an agenda is sent to all Council
members at least seven (7) days in advance of each Council meeting. Notice for an
individual meeting may be waived by a two-thirds majority of Council members.
- Regional Council meetings may be held in person, virtually or both provided that
everyone participating is able to hear one another.
- Regional Councils shall devise, plan, administer and execute Regional Events, with input
and volunteers drawn from individual CAs in the region, or regions if it is a joint Event.
C. Regional Events
- All Members, including subscribing Members, are encouraged to attend Regional Events,
particularly Events in their home region.
- Events may be educational, promotional, inspirational, policy and governance forums,
membership or donations focussed, or held for any other purpose or goal. An Event may
be as simple as a Regional Council sponsoring a booth at a trade show, as comprehensive
as multiple Councils hosting a major Event featuring prominent speakers and attracting
hundreds of Members from across Alberta, and are limited only by the Members’
collective imaginations!
- Events may be held at such times as are determined by the each Council, but shall be held
at a minimum, of four (4) time during each calendar year in every region. Joint Events
are credited to each participating Council.
- Events shall take place at a reasonably central location within each region. Councils shall
have broad discretionary powers to craft agendas and choose locations and Events are not
required to always be held at the same location.
- Events may be conducted virtually, or have a virtual component at the discretion of the
- Councils shall develop Event budgets which will be funded by the region’s CAs, the
Party, or both.
- Each Council shall plan the agenda for its Events in advance and shall communicate it to
the region’s CA’s and post it on the Party website no less than thirty (30) days prior to the
date, or opening date of the Event.
Article 7
Leaders, Candidates and MLAs
A. Leaders
- The Leader and Deputy Leader of the Party, if any, occupy unique positions and are
conferred with unusual authority within the Party, Caucus and Legislative Assembly.
- The Leadership Roles, Selection and Review (Leadership Rules), Section I defines the
Leaders’ roles and authority within the Party.
- [What about term limits for Leader?]
- The Leaders’ tenures are subject to review by the Members. Leadership reviews may be
initiated by the Board, Caucus or CAs, and routinely based on election results, all as
prescribed in the Leadership Rules.
- The Leader is selected in the manner prescribed in the Leadership Rules.
- The Members may decide to create or rescind the office of Deputy Leader by passing a
motion or general resolution at a general meeting.
- The selection and review of a Deputy Leader shall adopt and follow the same protocols,
and be bound by the same constraints as outlined in the Leadership Rules for a Leader.
B. Candidates and MLAs
- The primary responsibility for selecting Candidates lies with Constituency Associations.
- Candidates shall be chosen as prescribed in the Candidate Selection Rules.
- A Candidate ceases to be a Candidate when:
i. the Candidate fails to be elected in their Constituency, or
ii. the Candidate voluntarily withdraws as a Candidate, or
iii. the Candidate’s registration is involuntary withdrawn as prescribed in the
Candidate Selection Rules.
- MLAs are elected by all of the voters in a Constituency, and are therefore responsible to,
not only Members, but all of their constituents.
C. Caucus
- Caucus consists of all Party Members of the Legislative Assembly.
- Caucus may develop its own governance protocols, but Caucus members are still subject
to the requirements of the Bylaws and Constitution as any other Member.
- Independent MLAs and MLAs who were elected as candidates endorsed by another
registered party may become Members and request to join Caucus. Such requests will
only be granted when approved and endorsed by:
i. the Members the Electoral Division represented by the requesting MLA at an
AGM or SGM called for that purpose, and
ii. two-thirds of the Caucus members in a secret ballot vote, and
iii. one of:
a. the Board, or
b. the Leader, or
c. the Deputy Leader, if any.
Notwithstanding other provisions of this Constitution, Caucus members approved as
above shall qualify as provincial Members and must pay the stipulated membership fee.
- A Caucus member may be removed from Caucus by:
i. a two-thirds secret ballot vote of the entire Caucus, or
ii. a two-thirds vote of the Members resident in the Electoral Division represented by
the Caucus member, and who are present and voting at a SGM called for the
purpose of reviewing the MLA’s eligibility to continue representing the Party.
D. Code of Conduct
- The Code of Conduct shall govern the actions and comportment of all Nomination
Contestants, Candidates, Caucus members and Leader(s).
Article 8
A. Executive Director
- The Executive Director’s mandate is to:
a) manage the day to day operations of the Party under the general direction of the
b) prepare and maintain staff organizational charts that address the dynamic needs of
the Party, to be approved by the Board;
c) prepare job descriptions, establish standards of performance, and recommend
compensation for Party staff and third party contractors working under his or her
d) recruit, supervise and direct in their duties all staff, office volunteers and contractors
reporting to the Party office;
e) conduct periodic reviews of each employee’s performance, objectively and in
conformity with the standards set for each position;
f) terminate employment as required and in conformity with the terminated employee’s
employment contract;
g) assist and support Directors, Regional Councils and CAs as required or requested by
the Board or the Regional Directors Committee;
h) prepare quarterly or biannual office, staff and office contractor budgets for
submission to the Finance Committee, and approval by the Board;
i) operate within the approved budget;
j) report to the Board at every Board meeting;
k) carry out other duties assigned by the Board from time to time.
- The Executive Director is hired by, and reports to the Board. The Executive Director’s
performance shall be reviewed annually by a Committee established for that purpose.
- The Board shall clearly define the Executive Director’s job description, compensation
package including bonuses, if any, objective performance expectations which will serve
as basis for annual review, bases for termination and any other factors affecting the
Executive Directors employment.
- In the event of a vacancy in the position of Executive Director the Board may appoint an
interim Executive Director and establish a Committee to direct the search for a new one.
B. Party Staff
- Staff will operate under the terms of employment contracts developed and maintained by
the Executive Director, wherein their duties and how their performance will be evaluated
are clearly set forth.
- Written performance evaluations shall be done, at a minimum, once every year, and staff
members have the right to appeal their evaluation to the Board or a Committee;
- Staff wages and salaries shall be tied to performance.
C. Contractors
- The Executive Director may hire contractors to perform specified office, or office-related
functions that would otherwise be done by employees.
- All such contracts must be evaluated by the Finance Committee and approved by the
Board prior to issuance.
- Contracts shall be written, clearly define the term, scope of work, payment schedules,
performance reviews, termination parameters, and any other specifics required by prudent
contract managers.
- The Executive Director shall evaluate contractor performances, and report to the Board
D. Volunteers
- The Executive Director may recruit, train and supervise volunteers as necessary.
- For the purposes of this article, “volunteers” means only those unpaid Members who
work in, or for the Party office under the direction and supervision of the Executive
Director and/or Party staff, and includes those who perform their work remotely.
- The Executive Director shall draft a volunteer agreement for volunteers to sign, which
agreement shall include a confidentiality and non-disclosure clause if the volunteers are
handling sensitive information.
- Volunteers are unpaid, but may be entitled to certain work and work-related perquisites
that must be included in the budget.
Article 9
Member Policy Declaration
A. The Members may create and maintain a Members’ Policy Declaration to guide Members of
the Legislative Assembly in making public policy decisions.
B. Additions and alterations to, and deletions from the Members Policy Declaration shall be
processed in conformity with the Policy and Governance Amendment Rules, and may be ratified
by a majority vote of the Members present and voting at a general meeting.
Article 10
Compendium of Governance Documents
A. The Party shall adhere to a compendium of Governance Documents ratified and maintained
by the Members which may include, but is not limited to:
- Constituency Association Rules;
- Code of Conduct;
- Leadership Roles, Selection and Review;
- Candidate Selection Rules;
- Dispute Resolution Process;
- Standing Committee List;
- Regional Council Rules;
- Policy and Governance Amendment Rules.
B. The compendium of Governance Documents may be added to by a majority vote of the
Members present and voting at a general meeting.
C. Temporary governance documents may be created by the Board as required, but such
documents shall have effect only until the next AGM, when they must be ratified, replaced or
amended by a majority of the Members present and voting, or lapse.
D. Governance Documents may be altered or deleted by a two-thirds majority vote of the
Members present and voting at a general meeting.
E. Additions and alterations to, and deletions from Governance Documents shall be conducted in
conformity with the Policy and Governance Amendment Rules.
Article 11
Affiliated Groups
A. Other Political Parties
B. Campus Clubs
C. Special Interest Groups
D. Professional/Trade Associations