The objective of this Code of Conduct is to uphold all the rules and general good conduct of
Alberta Priority members, while equally abiding by and respecting all applicable laws.
1) This Code of Conduct applies to:
a) members of the Board, and members who serve on any committee of the Board,
b) members of the boards of Alberta Priority Constituency Associations,
c) nominated candidates of the Alberta Priority,
d) contestants in Alberta Priority candidate nomination contests,
e) contestants in Alberta Priority leadership contests,
f) members of the Alberta Priority caucus,
g) employees and other staff of the Alberta Priority, and
h) any other person who agrees or undertakes to be bound by this code.
2) Persons referred to in article 1 shall:
a) speak and act honestly, in good faith, with the best interests of the Alberta Priority and
the people of Alberta foremost in mind,
b) in the performance of their Alberta Priority duties, exercise the care, diligence, and skill
that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in carrying out a public trust,
c) comply with all applicable laws, Alberta Priority Bylaws, and any other Alberta Priority governance
rules, processes, policies or procedures,
d) protect the confidentiality of internal Alberta Priority information and Alberta Priority party
membership information,
e) disclose any material conflict of interest and refrain from participating in any
matter related to the conflict unless specifically permitted to participate,
f) not cause harm or disrepute to the Alberta Priority or its members, and
g) treat each member of the Alberta Priority, including all volunteers, with courtesy, respect,
civility, and tolerance.
3) To protect membership information and internal party data and information, those who
have access to such data and information — party staff, members of the Board, and
members who serve on any committee of the Alberta Priority , shall be required to sign a non-
disclosure agreement (NDA) that would require adherence to defined standards, as
stipulated in the NDA.
4) Conflict of Interest means a circumstance where a person’s personal, financial, or
business interests and use of influence are potentially or actually in conflict with that
person’s obligations to the Party per his or her Alberta Priority role.
5) Because members of the Board, and members who serve on any committee of the
Board, and Candidates must act in the best interests of the Party, they then should:
a) voluntarily disclose actual or potential conflicts of interest and avoid any situation
which may conflict with their duties towards the Party, private interest, or others;
b) voluntarily disclose any conflicts of interest arising from a family member,
relative, partner, client or employer benefiting as a result of their decisions.
6) Any conduct that a member of the Alberta Priority reasonably believes is a breach of this code, and
that has not been resolved at the CA Board level, shall be reported to the Executive
Director in writing, who shall determine:
a) whether the conduct complained of, if true, would constitute a breach of this code, and
b) whether there is sufficient evidence to warrant an investigation that this code has
been breached.
7) The Executive Director may summarily dismiss a report that is determined to be
trivial or without merit, responding in writing with the reasons for dismissing the
report. If the complaining member wishes to appeal the dismissal, the Executive
Director shall, upon receiving the request for an appeal, refer the matter to the
Arbitration Committee. The appeal will be dealt with by the Arbitration Committee.
8) Where the Executive Director makes a determination that a complaint merits adjudication
under article 6, the Executive Director shall provide a written summary to the Board, with
all documents related to the matter. The Board shall then refer the matter to the Arbitration
Committee, which will deal with it under the General Dispute Resolution Process.
9) The Arbitration Committee shall determine if a breach of the code has occurred, and if so:
a) provide advice and direction to the person in breach,
b) reprimand the person in breach,
c) censure the person in breach,
d) suspend the membership of the person in breach for up to 1 year, or
e) revoke the membership of the person in breach.
10) No person whose membership has been suspended or revoked may:
a) serve in any office of the Alberta Priority,
b) serve on any Alberta Priority board or committee,
c) serve as a Alberta Priority nomination candidate,
d) serve as a Alberta Priority Candidate,
e) serve as a Alberta Priority leadership candidate,
f) serve as a member of the Alberta Priority caucus,
g) serve on the board of a Alberta Priority Constituency Association, or
h) volunteer for the Alberta Priority,
while the membership of that person is suspended or revoked.
11) Words defined in the Alberta Priority Bylaws shall have the same meaning in this code.
12) Where there is an allegation that the Executive Director has breached this code, the
responsibilities of the Executive Director under this code shall be exercised by the
Secretary of the Board, who shall not be a member of the Arbitration Committee.